Have Your Eyes Tested And Purchase Flattering Prescription Eyewear

If you failed the vision screening that is necessary to renew your driver's license, you may be feeling down at the thought of needing to wear corrective lenses. Lots of people wear prescription glasses, and even though you never have before, you may discover that the transition is quite simple and that glasses suit you well.

Make An Appointment For A Vision Test

Before you purchase prescription eyeglasses, you need to have your eyes checked by an optometrist. An optometrist will test your vision in each eye so that the proper prescription is given to you. Tell your eye doctor about instances in which your vision affects your daily lifestyle, including migraines resulting from squinting constantly or being unable to focus your eyes on an object for more than a few seconds.

If the optometrist has a clear picture of what you have been encountering, they will be able to rule out any other conditions that need to be treated. After receiving a prescription, take it with you to an eyeglass boutique store.

Think Long-Term

The optometrist will tell you if corrective lenses need to be worn daily or just while you are driving or performing other tasks that require seeing objects that are in the distance. When choosing your new glasses, try to select a pair that you are willing to wear for a long duration.

For instance, the bright green frames that you spot while you are looking at the glasses display case may attract your attention, and you may be drawn to the frames and contemplate purchasing them, but how are you going to feel after several days?

Are you still going to think that green is a suitable color for you or are you going to be wishing that you chose frames that were a neutral color or that were constructed of wire? Be very selective when trying on frames so that you are sure to select a pair of glasses that you won't grow tired of. 

Purchase A Case And Clean Your Glasses Daily

Purchase a monogrammed or decorative case to store your eyewear in so that the lenses do not become scratched when you are not wearing the glasses. Buy a bottle of glasses cleaning spray and some soft cloths and clean your glasses daily; right before you put them on or right after you take them off. After you get into a routine, wearing and caring for your glasses will not be a big deal.
