Tips For Adjusting To Your First Pair Of Contact Lenses

If you spend a lot of time hiking and have decided that you are tired of your eyeglasses fogging up while you are on the trail, then you will be very happy once you get used to your new contact lenses. However, you need to understand that it does take a bit of time and effort to get used to wearing contacts. The good news is that there are many things you can do to help yourself adjust to wearing contact lenses, including the following tips: [Read More]

Three Things To Avoid If You Don't Want To Come Down With A Case Of Dry Eyes

No matter what you're planning on doing throughout the day, dry eyes will be very uncomfortable and will make even simple tasks more difficult to perform. Especially if you don't have time to constantly wash your eyes out with clean water, it's important to avoid all the situations likely to make your eyes dryer than normal. Specifically, make sure to avoid these three things if you don't want to come down with a case of dry eyes. [Read More]

What Are the Different Types of Surgery Performed to Repair Retinal Detachment?

The retina is a part of the eye that allows visual images to be sent to the brain through the optic nerve. The retina is located at the back of the eye, and there is a clear collagen vitreous gel that fills the eye between the retina and the lens. There are several different things that may cause the vitreous gel to pull away from the retina so that it becomes detached, including glaucoma, nearsightedness, severe trauma to the eye, and a family history of retinal detachment. [Read More]

Should You Choose Glasses Or Contacts For Hiking?

If you are an avid hiker, backpacker, and camper, deciding on the right vision correction method to take with you into the backcountry is vital. The longer you plan to be hiking, the more important it becomes to make the right choice. The following guide can help. Contact Most contact wearers naturally feel like they can see better when they have lenses in as opposed to wearing glasses, but concerns with dirt on the trail and limited hygiene facilities pose a major concern when taking out or putting in the lenses. [Read More]